My latest reading endeavor by the author John Norman. The World of Gor, otherwise known as "counter-earth" is a planet directly opposite of the earth, on the other side of the sun.
The world is warlike, but technologically advanced in matters of Shelter, Medicine, etc. but primitive in regard to their weaponry. With Swords, knives and axes being among the primary group of weapons used.
You are also introduced to the Priest-Kings; God-like Aliens that have technology thousands of years ahead of humans. They control everything on the planet of Gor (GOR in the Gorean tounge means "home stone".)
There is also this culture of slavery that exists, with women being the primary source of slavery.
John Norman the author has been labeled a mysoginist for his many volumes dealing with the land and people of Gor.
I started reading the story this evening and it is very entertaining. The writing style is clear and crisp, but you have to get used to how the author words certain phrases. You will also see very uncommon words used heavily.
But John Norman does a great job of making a complete civilization, with customs, culture, religion, Philosophy. This is the most enjoyable part of the book. It almost feels like you are truly learning about another civilization.

The Book series has led to an underground BSDM culture called the Goreans