I am a Reform Jew living in Southern Indiana, and I am the Co-President of a Satanic Organization.
No, really I am.
And Yes, I am a Jew, a Reform Jew by association (I was a member of the Evansville Reform Synagogue for some time.) I am Orthodox By Conversion (I converted at Ansei S'fard Orthodox Synagogue by having the Bris and Mikveh with proper witnesses.)
I am a Satanist in that I stand as a Shaitan to those Theological and Secular systems that prevent the development of the human to his or her true potential. The prevention of the developement of the person I am speaking of is in the way of theological brainwashing; irrationality, blind faith, etc. Also in the way fo the Secular by way of denial of possibilities, refusal to understand abstract concepts and a unique tunnel vision that over rationalizing something can produce.
Satanists of my stripe are usually called "Third Way Satanists" because we advocate a Satanism that is rational, skeptical, and philosophical. Satanism can be Molded to the individual, and yes, satanism can exist in personal dualities.
In religions such as Judaism, there is nothing about Satanism that would outright break any ethical codes of Humanist or Reform Judaism. It can exist well together because Satanism and Judaism share many ethical philosophical points. Satanism does not require adherence to a deity or an aesthetic style. Satanism, if done correctly, allows anyone who agrees with the philosophy to live in whatever lifestyle choice they see fit.
I choose Judaism. Why? Isn't judaism the problem? It is the first of the three big Monotheistic Faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam.)
My answer is no, Judaism of today is not what it was in Biblical times. As my old Rabbi used to say, "Judaism is a Rabbinic Religion not a biblical one." Of course this is coming from a Rabbi that was a Humanist, but as I am a Humanist I find no fault with his statement, and as history shows, Judaism is very much a Rabbinic religion.
Do I read Torah? Yes, but not to look for the truth or the "real story" but to pull insight from the mythology.
Do I believe in God? No. Not in the sense of the question. When most people ask if a person believes in god, they usually have either the image of Jesus in their mind or a white guy in a beard with a robe on. No, I don't believe in that god.
Now do I believe in a universal awareness, some kind of intelligence that was behind our creation?
I don't know, I won't ever know unless I somehow see him or her, which I am sure can't be done unless I am drinking bottles of some strong cough syrup, or I smoke 5 bowls of whatever Willy has stashed in his tour bus.
Since neither of those things will happen to me in this lifetime, I will be content to remain in the dark on this matter.
I do go to Temple, it is a Reform Synagogue, I used to be a full voting member of the Temple but I let my membership lapse, so now I just go.
My Children are being raised Jewish, but My family is Roman Catholic, so I have happily opened my house to celebrating many holidays. Why not? I have never understood everyone's hangup about celebrating holidays that aren't "your own." I have always thought time spent arguing about why one doesn't celebrate a holiday is time better spent having fun with your friends or family or both and at least helping them celebrate it.
Back to the Satanism thing...
I am the Co-Founder and Co-President of the League of Independent Satanists
You would be suprised, Satanism is not just for Satanists anymore. People are starting to actually get what we are trying to say by using all the Aesthetics Satanism offers.
Hell, we even have Christians that are members of our League. Why? Because the Rational mind, the mind that accepts Free Thought eradicates all the boundaries and blurs all lines. We create a culture of unification by acceptance of others without the need to change yourself.
I have 4 dogs. They are all Toy Breed dogs.
-Clarke is a Full Blooded Chihuahua and is 13 months old and 8.5 pounds.
-Oliver is a Chihuahua/Pomeranian/Min Pinscher/Beagle/ and Misc. mix and is 8 months old and 11.5 pounds.
-Lois is a Full Blooded Manchester Terrier, she is about 15months old and 8 pounds.
-Robin, my youngest, he is a Full Blooded American Rat Terrier and is 8 weeks old and about a pound. His parents are both about 9-10 pounds so that is probably what he will grow to be.
I would say that My Dogs are both my teachers in Philosophy and loyal companions.
I don't consider my Philosophy or Religion to be hobbies as they are such a part of who I am.
I am married with children, but I keep my family life private so you wont hear me talk about them. However know that they are most important to me. I love them all very much.
That is all I got for now, stay tuned I suppose.